So instead I'm just going to give you a list of new ranges of Gauss guns to play with. I'm not sure I could release them in good conscience, not at lest without consulting Hans and David first. I have only so far figured out how to tweak already existing gun stats and have yet to fully crack the formula's used to stat them.
Now unlike my plasma gun article this is not going to be a full design system write up. What kind of crunchmeister would I be if I didn't take a crack at seeing if I could reverse engineer how GURPS stats Gauss weapons?! So, are you all excited to have more electromagnetic death dealing fun in your lives? If so click on the link to read on after this jump (I finally figured out how to do this!)! Now for this, while I could of used Ol' Douglas Cole's ballistic spreadsheet I decided not to. But then Refplace had a request for some stats for new Gauss weapons for his GURPS Traveller campaign over on the GURPS forum so I figured what the hey, might as well give it a try.
it wasn't something I planed on tackling just yet. While dealing with projectile weapons has been on my to do pile.